v0.2.29c6163 - Post-Launch Update
- Early Access
- Update
This update should address a bunch of common issues as well as add a variety of small improvements. There will be further changes and improvements to the AI, physics, UI and other areas in future updates. Please let us know if you encounter issues!
- AI has been improved somewhat - they now follow the racing line more confidently and take less avoiding action.
- AI skill level is now more representative and accurate.
- AI should no longer get “lost” after resetting.
- AI should no longer pit on the last lap of a race in most cases.
- Updated the Formula and the General to be less “floaty” and more driveable.
- Increased the top speed of the Lightning.
- Added a penalty for holding down the throttle whilst the lights go out.
- Made the tyre wear rate depend on grip (lower wear on low-friction surfaces like ice).
- Adjusted the colliders for the open-wheel cars, to allow them to race better side-by-side (and not get tangled in objects).
- Small update to the Collisium track.
- FIXED: Reverse should no longer enable when braking and drifting.
- FIXED: Large world-size tracks no longer clip into the background.
- Slightly adjusted the engine audio for the Lightning and the Classic.
- Slightly adjusted default audio levels.
- FIXED: Sound sliders should now appropriately control engine and car noises again.
- FIXED: Player cars should no longer change audio level (or lose audio completely) when crossing the finish line.
User Interface
- Adjusted how the colours are displayed in the Customise menu and added tooltips.
- Updated the AI slider to show values and allow entering specific values.
- Inverted the damage bar to increase with damage, rather than decrease.
- Added an option to specify a frame-rate limit, in the Options menu (does not apply to menus).
- Framerate in menu is always limited to 60fps to reduce GPU burden.
- Updated the track list to be categorised by difficulty.
- FIXED: The cursor no longer disappears when returning to the main menu from the “Press Any Key” screen before a race.
- FIXED: Some minor misplaced UI.
Track Editor
- Improved the way the pit AI line connects to the main AI line.
- Added random track names to the track save dialog.
- Narrowed the default width of the AI line gates to make placement easier.
- Made it essential to have an AI line before a track can be uploaded to Steam Workshop.
- Adjusted the default track zoom to be closer to the track.